Firstly, what do you think of this Christina Aguilera image? Just found it in a folder in my laptop and thought it was perfect.
Anyway , back to the post,
I have been reading Lauren Bacall’s book called By myself and then some and couldn’t wait to post on it. So in envy of her life so far and her romance with actor Humphrey Bogart. Can you imagine meeting your true love at 19! She was so lucky to meet her match so quickly without even looking far. Throughout the book she shares her personal letters and memories of their relationship and you really get a more rounded view of her and Bogart . Then you read about the sad passing of him and her struggle from then on with a second marriage and her film/stage career. But it isn’t at all doom and gloom she has a great sense of humour and way with words that keep you interested.
Here are some of the words and poems/letters that I really love from the book;
Lauren Bacall and Gregory Peck were great mates ever since they starred together in the film Designing Woman. Throughout different points of her career and life Gregory would send her little notes of encouragement that would surprise and delight her. The one that really stood out to me (enough for me to jot it into my diary) was a pray he recited to her...
‘Dear Lord
I want to thank you , Lord, for being with me so far this day
I haven’t been impatient, lost my temper, been grumpy, judgmental or envious of anyone
But I will be getting out of bed in a minute , and I think I will really need your help then
Amen ’
Bacall and Bogie on the lot during The Big Sleep 1945
To Have and have not 1944 Bacall's first film .Whilst filming, her and Bogie fell in love.
Bogie had a passion for chess and when ever their was a game going on set Bacall would join him by his side were he would often win the game
Bacall explains how she came about ‘The Look’ which she would become known for, it all started on the set of her first film
‘ the end of the third or fourth take, I realised that one way to hold my trembling head still was to keep it down , chin low, almost to my chest, and eyes up at Bogart. It worked , and turned out to be the beginning of ‘the look’.At the Premiere of How to marry a Millionaire, alongside Marilyn Monroe ..How stunning does Marilyn look?! I love that dress and her hair.....
...Here Bacall recall’s the moment Monroe met her young son Steve, who Monroe tried to strike up a conversation with..
MM. ‘How old are you?’
Steve: ‘I’m four.’
MM. ‘But you’re so big for four. I would have thought you were two or three’.
Even till this day she inspires people.
Christian Dior spring 2010 was heavily inspired by the Lauren Bacall 'look'
Christian Dior spring 2010 was heavily inspired by the Lauren Bacall 'look'
Bacall and Gregory Peck together in Designing Woman
Bacall and Bogie on their Wedding Day, 21st May 1945
Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, and Bacall..Both Sinatra and Judy were frequent visitors to her home.
(DesigningWoman film ) Costume shot
Happy Family: Bogie, their son Steve and Bacall
Bacall and Bogie on his beloved boat 'Santana'
Her reflection on getting older (she is now 86), her children and her career.
‘..The fact that I can still , and do, continue to work keeps me in high spirits and keeps my motor running- though not quite as fast as it used too...
My goal is to stay healthy. So far-I’m hanging in. As I wander through the last twenty years and more, I realise that I’ve lived a long time, but still not long enough to suit me..
Progress had been made on many fronts. I am finally facing my age- the fact of it though I still find it hard to believe. How has it happened so quickly? ....’
Here are some more posts on Lauren Bacall and lots more images, just click on the links below...
Here are some more posts on Lauren Bacall and lots more images, just click on the links below...
If you haven't read her book already I think it’s worth a read even if you haven't heard or watched her movies will want to after reading this book xx
“She’s a real Joe. You’ll fall in love with her like everybody else”
-Humphrey Bogart
( Post Title is a Humphrey Bogart Quote)
This post is so interesting to me because I JUST watched Casablanca (for the first time.. I know I'm so behind!) last week! Now I definitely want to read this book and learn about Humphrey Bogart's wife! (But first I must watch her movies!)